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Extra Value Farming

Agriculture and forestry becomes agriculture and forestry VALUE. Multifunctional values are created from the area that go far beyond weighable harvest products and have a sustainable effect. Furthermore, a completely new product will be created for agriculture and forestry to expand the value chain.

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In practice, the switch to a more sustainable management system of agricultural land (e.g. changing crop rotation) usually fails due to the farmer's financial viability. It is therefore important that agricultural businesses are compensated for successfully binding CO2 in a similar way to those for producing good food. This is not about subsidies, but about fair payment for a service to nature.

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Continuing education

Further training for farmers in the application of ecologically sensible measures is therefore desirable and must be additionally supported. This means lower financial risk for farmers and therefore also for investors.

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However, it is up to the farmers themselves which of these ecological measures are implemented on the farm depending on the soil conditions. Success is regularly measured at project level based on the CO2 content in the soil, thereby proving how successful the measures used were. This success control is carried out by independent assessors.

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